Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Big Trouble in Little Greektown by Kate Collins

Athena works at the Garden Center with her Mom and Dad.  She has a son and several siblings.  She and her boyfriend like to solve mysteries.

Kensington Books and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It wil be published on November 30th.

There are various family tensions as the girl's don't want to marry a Greek, they fallen in love with someone else.  But how to tell Mom?

There was a journalist that liked to dig up old news and shared it with the paper.  He's found dead in the woods.  Who killed him?

There is also a fight going on over the beach ad dunes area.  A lot of people would like to see a park there.  But the council wants to develop it.  This leads to bribery and blackmail of councilmembers.

There are several suspects, not everyone is telling the truth, and it's a hard road to follow to the killer.

That is, until Athena finds herself alone in a house, with the killer...

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