Thursday, June 4, 2020

The Finisher by Peter Lovesey: Series: PETER DIAMOND MYSTERY, A (#19)

Peter is astonished to see someone he put in prison out running a marathon.  The cop with him points out he's probably served his time but Peter knows he's a bad one.  Then a woman doesn't finish the race and it was the one the convict was pestering.  They begin searching for her or for her body.  The convict likes one night stands.

Soho Crime and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be piblished August 4th.

They can't locate her and they find there are entrances to tunnels under the commons which would be a good place to hide a body.  While Peter is looking into the tunnels, he hurts his leg and has to use a cane.  (Don't slip and fall; damage will come...)  He thinks he sees a body and he can tell it was a runner.  He thinks it's her but they have to leave.  Others think he was seeing things.  But they locate another entrance and bring up a body but it's not the girl.  It's the convict!

The girl is safe, she had stayed a few nights at a hotel before coming home.  She had nothing to do with his death.

As Peter changes his focus, he's coming under fire by his boss at using so many officers in the search.  He can't say much back since he started out in the wrong direction.  His girlfriend is sympathetic.

With human traffickers and a stone cold killer. the search is a challenge. The search is long and the killer was a surprise.  It was actually an accident but it will depend on the judge...

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