Thursday, November 26, 2009

Black Friday Special!

Black Friday special: 1/2 off all books in the Graphic Novel Category.

Email me to get the discount and amount due.

If the link doesn't work, visit and browse the Graphic Novel Category.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Glen's making us a pot of stew for our Thanksgiving dinner tonight. I get to smell it all day while I'm in here playing with books and working on my computer. The anticipation of how good it will taste is part of the fun!

My sister-in-law said brother picked up Mom at the nursing home and took her home with them for Thanksgiving. I believe Myra's sister will be joining them for lunch.

George took the two boxes of books I sent her over when he did the pickup and she spent the way out of the building looking back at her room and wishing she had had time to open them. See where I get my love of books?

I sent Myra the graphic image above to show to Mom and told her the turkey reminded me of her. Mom laughed and said she can't jump that fast anymore.

All is good in my life this holiday. I'm hoping you all are having fun with family members and remember not to eat too much (ha!).

We're having pumpkin pie for dessert. No Cool Whip, but we do have some vanilla ice cream...

Thanks to all my family, friends and customers - you're what keeps me going!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Last Night I Sang to the Monster by Benjamin Alire Saenz

I was amazed to see that this book was printed in El Paso, TX (45 miles from me) and that the author is a UTEP professor. It was like getting a present from home!

I was very impressed by Mr. Saenz's description of mental illness and how it impacts people. He writes of horrors they've seen or done in their lives, how they attempt to open up and interact, and how they learn how to overcome the event and move on. Not all of them are successful at this.

Teens will feel that this book is written by someone who understands the mixed up emotions they feel.

The problems discussed within range from alcoholism and addiction to drugs to dealing with death. We all have monsters on our lives - some are bigger and darker than others. But this book shows there is hope and there can be recovery, even if it's slow.

Even if your teen has no troubles in her or his life, this is good read for them. It will make them be aware of the dangers out there in the real world and give them an insight on why some folks behave the way they do.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

One Man's Music by Vince Bell

Subtitle: The Life and Times of Texas Songwriter Vince Bell.

This man is amazing. He has a talent with words and he has overcome odds that would have overwhelmed almost anyone else.

He begins with the story of his career as a songwriter and singer, which is entertaining and not all sane. He's an accomplished songwriter and has major country artists singing his work (like Lyle Lovett) and life is looking good.

Then he's in a horrific traffic accident - a drunk hits his car and puts both Vince and his wife in the hospital. Vince's injuries are so extreme they don't know if he will live. His own family members don't recognize him. And his brain injury is debilitating.

The doctor's prognosis is not good. Not much is known about brain injuries, but most people don't recover all the abilities they had previously. And Vince's injury is worse than most.

He has to learn how to do everything all over again. He ignores the doctors and works on rehabilitating what he has left of his body. It's a long, hard struggle. But he didn't become a songwriter because he gives up easily...

He just recently did a benefit concert in Sante Fe, NM, for the Brain Injury Advisory Council of New Mexico, so you can see he's still fighting and still doing good!

This is an extraordinary story and a great read - I highly recommend it.

If you'd like my copy of this ARC, please leave a comment on this blog and email me at info NOSPAM (take the spaces and NOSPAM out) and tell me your name and address and why you'd like to read the book. I'll choose a winner in about one week.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fallen by Lauren Kate

Subtitle: They Are Among Us...

This book has been written for young adults and should please them. It has good and evil, fantasy, unknown forces and creatures and reincarnation. What more do you need? Oh, maybe a bit of romance? It has that, too!

The story moves quickly, is believable (if you like fantasy) and leaves you waiting for the next in the series. For this book is not an end - only a beginning to a story.

I enjoyed it. It has adult content, so don't let a young one read it. But if you have a teenager that likes action packed fantasy, this will work!

If you'd be interested in my ARC, please leave a comment here on the blog and then email at info NOSPAM (take out the spaces and NOSPAM) with your name and address and why you'd like to read it. Giveaway will be in about a week.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Other Chicago Mob by Verne Elliot Glassman

Subtitle: The True Story of Gary Cohen Man in Blue.

Gary was a Chicago police officer from 1966 to 1988. Enough years have passed now that he feels comfortable talking about the way it was - which was NOT the way it should be.

Crime was rampant in Chicago (still is to be honest), and Mayor Daley wanted to slow and stop all the crime he could, so he instructed the police to get out there and DO IT.

While the concept of fighting crime is a good one, when the Mayor lets the leash go on the cops and they have freedom to end it how they wish, the outcome will not be a good one.

This book names names, Gary includes the exploits in his cop life and has admitted he did bad things, too.

While there was much public outcry and newspaper reporting about the issue, this is an inside look at how the boys in blue operated and can make you wonder if one side was any better than the other.

It reads with a good flow, the stories are short and pithy, and you have to admire someone who tell about his own transgressions as well as others.

If you'd like my ARC of this book, leave a comment here on the blog and send me an email to info NOSPAM (take out the spaces and no spam) with your name and address and why you'd like to read the book. I'll pick a winner in about a week.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind by Evonne Wareham

Everyone has secrets. Some are stranger than others. Madison Albi is a scientist with a very special talent – for reading minds. When she s...