Friday, November 15, 2019

Death at Whitewater Church by Andrea Carter

She is a solicitor who is representing the sellers; he's going to mark out the boundaries and examine the building.  They knew the bodies in the crypt had been moved, so they went to examine that, too.  No one expected to find a body wrapped in blankets at the bottom of the stairs...

Oceanview Publishing and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published December 17th.

The immediate assumption is that it's the body of a missing bridegroom from six years before.  The pathologist says no, it's a different body.  Turns out it was dug up from the old cemetery on the property.  But who moved it and covered it in a blanket with a pillow under it's head?

Then the little brother in the family is killed.  Did he run in the ditch or did someone push him in?

The solicitor is fond of a cop but he's holding back.  But he's sure friendly with the pathologist.  That's okay, the solicitor has a secret she hasn't shared with him.

Then the missing man returns and he intends to take what he left behind...

As the truth about his disappearance comes out, secrets are revealed.  The ending is explosive and deadly. 

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