Saturday, November 17, 2018

Hooks Can Be Deceiving: A Crochet Mystery by Betty Hechtman

Molly Pink has enough to do with an upcoming TV show, a crafter's group that meets, and her regular job at the book and yarn shop.  But when a young woman who is a companion to another dies on the lawn from electrocution, she's not sure the young woman was the intended victim.  The lady she worked for is worth a lot of money and her brother wants the property.  She took a walk around the property every evening.  Was she the intended victim?

Crooked Lane Books and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published December 11th.

The more she digs into the mystery, the worse it gets.  She gets threats.  She's working with her old boyfriend and they still have feelings for each other.  Her new boyfriend is very busy with his job, so he's not around as much as he should be.  She keeps digging.   And she keeps working on accommodating the TV crew.  They keep making changes to improve the set where the shoot will take place.  There's also a celebrity that doesn't crochet who is going to host the show.  There's a problem.  She said she's an expert at crochet but doesn't even know how to do it.  Can they teach her in time?

This was a pleasant cozy with lots of odds and ends tied together.  I found it to be an enjoyable read.  It has an exciting ending, too.  Give it a try.  

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