Friday, March 14, 2014

Panthers Play for Keeps, A Pru Marlowe Pet Mystery by Clea Simon

Pru Marlowe is training a dog for service and takes him on a walk.  She and the dog are both scared when he finds a dead body that shows signs of being mauled by a big cat.  There are no pumas around anymore.  What could have done it?  Any why would it be here?  The worst part is that she knows the victim...

Poisoned Pen Press and Net Galley allowed me to download and read this book for review (thank you).  It is published April 1st, so make a note to pick up then.

Pru is having a tough time with this case.  There doesn't seem to be any consistency with the deaths, she has no real suspects, her boyfriend is paying attention to another woman, and her cat  and the dog can't give her any hints either.  They try, but they don't think like humans do and Pru is having a hard time with it.

The story is interesting and a bit different from Ms. Simon's usual work.  I didn't find this mystery as appealing as usual.  It does have twists and turns and keeps your attention.  There are even moments when I wasn't sure Pru was still going to be with us, but she survives.  It's not a happy ever after ending but it's realistic.  Sometimes having too much money can be a problem.

Why don't you see if you can figure out who the killer is?  I didn't cotton on to the that until the end.  Let me know if you get it sooner.

Happy reading.

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