Monday, May 21, 2012

Fury of Fire by Coreene Callahan

When a dragon shifter mates with a human woman, the woman dies upon birth of the child.  Bastian has no desire to do this to a woman, but if he doesn't his dragon clan will die out.  And the time to breed is coming upon him...

Nancy Berland Public Relations shared an ARC of this Montlake Romance with me for review (thank you).  The book has been published so you can grab a copy now on Amazon.

Ms Callahan makes her Nightfury dragons almost as much human as dragon and it's easy to understand why they are in a war against the Razorbacks.  The Razorbacks are evil, are trying to wipe out the Nightfury clan, and they care less about the women they kill after sex.  I'm not talking about mating, I'm talking about casual sex here.  It's like they are disposable.

The most interesting person in the story is Myst, a nurse who goes above and beyond duty to help those who need aid.  When she performs an emergency C-section on a woman dying on her kitchen floor, she has no idea she's saving a half-dragon baby.

This is fast paced story of good and evil and something in between.  You need to pay attention as you keep turning the pages and reading or you'll miss part of the action.  The author grabs your attention and keeps it through out the story.

The author has done a good job with this fantasy.  I really enjoyed reading it.  And I'm very happy to find it's part of a trilogy.  I'm already excited about getting the next one in the series.  I'm ready to head out with the Nightfury dragons and help them kick the butts of the bad boys!

If you'd like to have my ARC, please leave a comment here on my blog and email me at info at with your name and address and why you'd like to read it.  I'll pick a winner in about a week.

Happy reading.

1 comment:

ChristyJan said...

This sounds like an interesting book and series.
I haven’t read any fantasy reads involving dragons before.

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