Thursday, April 30, 2020

No Bears Allowed Lydia Lukidis, Tara J. Hannon

Rabbit is deathly afraid of bears.  They have such nasty claws and big teeth.

Blue Whale Press and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published July 1st.

H gets caught in a snare and is hanging from the tree when the bear shows up.  The bear assures him he didn't set the snare and helps to set him free.  When he gets down from the tree, the bear shows his teeth and claws and rabbit thinks he's done for.  No, the bear was scaring off a fox that was after the rabbit. 

He takes the rabbit home with him to make carrot soup.  The rabbit just knows he's going to go in the soup pot, too, so he runs.  But he hears the bear calling for help. He goes back.  The bear is scared of a spider.  The rabbit takes it outside and then has a bowl of carrot soup with the bear.

Not all bears are mean and want to eat you.  That's true about people too.  We are all individuals, some good, some bad.

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