Friday, March 31, 2017

Murder between the Lines by Radha Vatsal

Kitty is a journalist for a lady's paper and she likes to do investigative work.  The problem is that such a thing is not considered appropriate for ladies and she has to be discreet about it.  She's going to write a story on a prestigious girl's school and visits to tour the school and meet some of the students.  What she finds is fascinating and she wants to talk to individual students.  However, the principal won't allow it.

Sourcebooks Landmark and Edelweiss allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published May 1st.  This is the second book in this series so you can read the first book while you wait.

She gets to meet and talk to one student off campus.  The next she hears of her, she's dead.  She is said to have gone out sleep walking and died in the snow.  Kitty remembers how vibrant and full of life she was and how she had big plans for the future.  She doesn't think it was an accident.

Mixed in with the death is an accident at the local submarine test site.  Kitty was there but unharmed.  She also saw a young man she'd seen before.  Was he responsible for the problem?  Was he a killer?

With a war going on, intelligence secrets around and jealousy and bad behavior involved, there's no end of mystery.  It takes a careful reconstruction of events to identify the killer.  It's a good thing Kitty is patient.

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Longbow by Wayne Grant

Roland Inness is a peasant boy with an unusual talent—and a secret. He has learned the art of making a longbow and the skill to use it with ...