Friday, January 6, 2017

The Trapped Girl: The Tracy Crosswhite Series, Book 4 by Robert Dugoni

He sneaks down to the waterfront quietly.  He's poaching crabs and doesn't want to get caught.  When he brings up the pot from his honey spot, he realizes the one he has isn't his.  When he sees the hand in it, he knows he definitely doesn't want it...

Thomas & Mercer and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published January 24th.

When Tracy shows up, she notices blue fingernail polish on the hand and suspicions it's a woman.  The interesting part is that when they try to prove who she is the trail quickly goes south.  She's had medical work to change her face.  That gives them a lead because the implants they used are numbered.  They find her doctor and confirm her name.  The only problem is that when the name goes public, they find out she's already dead and has been for some time.  She disappeared on Mt. Rainier and the rangers there said she was most likely in a crevice and wouldn't be recovered.  But did she really die there?  If not, why would she be in a crab cage now?

This is a complex mystery with lots of investigation and lots of danger, too.  The killer is willing to do anything he has to get the trust fund of the supposedly dead woman.  When the police find out about the trust find, they also find it was moved the day after the crab pot discovery.  A dead woman can't transfer money.  Who's dead, who's alive and who is telling the truth?

There was an interesting twist in the story.  It was easy for me to believe her husband was the killer because he wanted to use her trust fund money.  But it was someone totally unknown and unrelated.  Someone very dangerous who intended to leave no witnesses.

It's a story that caught my interest because it happened in the Seattle area (I grew up in Western Washington) and the body was in a crab pot.  I wasn't sure if the woman was alive or dead.  But even if she was alive, the killer didn't intend to leave her that way.

You won't be bored.  I read this book in one day.  I'll also be watching for more in this series.  It's a good one.

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