Saturday, August 6, 2016

Max at Night by Ed Vere

Max is the cutest cat.  This series is written for young ones.  It stretches their imaginations and takes them on an adventure and then they and Max can go to sleep for the night...

Sourcebooks Jabberwocky and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published September 1st.

Max tells the moon goodnight each night but tonight he can't see it.  He can't go to sleep without making sure the moon heard him, so he starts out on a quest to get high enough to see the moon.

First he climbs on top of the sleeping dog, then he keeps going higher and higher to try to find the moon.  When he gets to the top of the highest hill, the wind blows a bit and moves the cloud away so he can see the moon.  As he tells the moon goodnight, the moon tells him he can hear him from his room, not to worry.

Max climbs back down and goes to bed but he doesn't hear the moon say goodnight.  He's too tired and fell right to sleep...

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