Saturday, August 30, 2014

Greenglass House by Kate Milford

Milo is twelve and he's looking forward to the Christmas holiday.  He's almost done with his homework and then he can do whatever he wants.  They have a family tradition of wearing pajamas all Christmas Day and that's a favorite time of his.  When the bell rings and they realize they have a customer coming in to stay, all their plans go sideways...

Clarion Books and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  This has just been published so you can grab a copy now.

I found this an interesting read for several reasons.  Milo is adopted and is Asian, while his parents are white.  He wonders about his real parents, but knows he's well loved where he is now.  The creepy creaky house they are living in and renting out rooms used to be a smuggler's inn (and still is).  The guests all have secrets.  And he meets a little girl who is his same age and becomes his partner in crime.  He doesn't realize just how special this little girl until later.

The story is a mix of present and past.  They end up with several guests, all of whom arrived as separate parties and got their own choice of rooms.  Milo thinks they're a bit weird, but they also appear to be nice.  When someone starts robbing things from their guest rooms, Milo and his friend go on the hunt to find the items.  Milo is quite smart and he manages to locate the goods.  He's still not sure who the thief is.  After all, the two woman have admitted they're thieves, but they were the ones stolen from.  The mystery deepens.

It's high adventure in a big old house with lots of secrets.  The story moves along well, and I found myself rooting for Milo.  He gives those visiting the special items he finds and that makes them happy as it's part of their heritage.  He learns to role play an old game his father played as a child.  He also solves the case with a little help from his friend.  What more could you want?

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