Saturday, August 16, 2014

Fool's Assassin: Book One of the Fitz and the Fool Trilogy by Robin Hobb

FitzChivalry Farseer is dead; Tom Badgerlock is alive.  No longer an assassin, Tom is married to Molly, his true love, and living as contented as one can as a country squire.  If only Chade would leave him alone, life would be better.

Del Ray allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  The book was published August 12th, so you can grab a copy now.  This is new trilogy that continues the story of Fitz and the Fool.  

I haven't read Ms. Hobb's work before so I was interesting in tasting her writing style.  I do like to read fantasy so it wasn't much of a stretch for me.  What I was surprised to learn was that she lives in Tacoma, Washington.  Why didn't I know that when I lived in Washington?

Tom is a good man with mean talents.  He takes in those who need it, helps train them, and keeps entire generations under his roof.  He's also a harsh judge and will right any wrong he perceives.  His life is good, but he almost has immortality and Molly is growing old.  In fact, when she tells him she's pregnant, he's afraid her mind is giving way.  She's past her prime of life and too old to bear children.  

The author tells you enough to carry the history of the story forward.  You know Fitz (Tom) is never going to be able to cut his connection to the court and intrigues of the past, but you also feel his desire to leave all that behind.  When Molly dies and he has a young daughter to raise, he's lost.  He's never had children of his own before.  They don't get along well, but they get along.

It's a good strong storyline and you feel that Fitz has more challenges ahead of him.  I also know that his child has something important about her, but I'm fuzzy on what.  After all, any baby that was carried two years before it was born is unusual.  But what her purpose is, I don't know.  The ending sets you up for the next book in the trilogy.  

This is going to be a grand adventure and I'm glad I've read this book.  I'll be watching for the next book in the series.  You should follow along, too.

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