Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Miss Mousie's Blind Date by Tim Beiser

He was a handsome looking rat and she was just a mouse but if she dropped her hanky,  he'd pick it up for her, wouldn't he?

Tundra Books sent me a copy of this book for review (thank you).  It has been published so check with your local bookstore for a copy.

The rat doesn't pick up the hanky.  He insults her by referring to her as "fat".  She runs home in shame and doesn't want to ever leave her house again...

When she gets an offer to go on a blind date, she almost doesn't take it.  Then she gets the idea to dress up in a costume so no one will recognize her.  She looks great dressed up!

Unfortunately, she falls in a thistle thicket and by the time she escapes it, she's lost half her costume.

The next part of this story is the charming part.  The mole that runs the tea shop has a crush on her and has tried to make himself up to look like a rat for this blind date.  That's sweet, but he's pretty blind without his glasses and he knocks his rat mustache off and almost pours tea on the floor before Miss Mousie tells him to put his glasses on.

Together they determine they can only be who they are and that's just fine with them.  It's a successful first date!

This a very lovely picture book with a charming story, a good lesson, and beautiful illustrations by Rachel Berman.  I really enjoyed it and highly recommend it.  You could even drag out some old jewelry and a dress or blouse your child could wear and let them dress up like Miss Mousie did.  It's a fun story.

Happy reading.

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