Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Room for the Baby by Michelle Edwards

There is a baby on the way.  Where will they put the crib?

Random House Books sent me this picture book for review (thank you).  It has been published, so check with your local bookstore for a copy.

The family decides to clean up the sewing room to make room for the crib.  Wait until you see what they do with all the scraps that have been collected over time!

The new baby will need diapers, clothes, blankets and more.  She recycles clothes and leftover materials to make these.  She unravels old sweaters and uses them to knit new mittens and more.  This Mom is excellent at recycling 

This really brought back memories of home.  My Mom always had a sewing room.  She had material, yarn, embroidery thread, tons of buttons, piles of sewing thread and more.  Anything you needed for a craft, she probably had in the sewing room; if you could find it!  She also did just like this Mom does.

This is the story of a family filled with love where everyone helps get ready for the new baby.  How they re-use all the things in the sewing room is my favorite part of this story.

Why not share this book with your little one and see just what you might have around to recycle with?  My Mom made me doll clothes from old dresses.  I still have them...

Happy reading.     

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