Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Bridge by Jane Higgins

This is a dystopian novel about young adults in a mixed up future world...

Tundra Books was kind enough to send a copy of this book for review (thank you).  It has been published, so check with your local bookstore for a copy.

The city is divided; gates block the bridges.  On one side is Cityside; on the other are the "hostiles".  There is a war going on, but the students at the academy only know the hostiles are their enemies.

Nik is in high school and excels in all his classes.  He knows that the Internal Security and Intelligence Services will choose him to become of their agents.  So he's stunned when they don't.  What first sets alarms off in his head is that he's shunned for service, but the ISIS still wants to have a private meeting with him.  Why?

The answer to that question is complex and multifaceted.  And the more Nik discovers, the more questions he has.

The author does a nice job with this story.  It's believable even though it's fiction because she does a great job of showing people's fears and prejudices.  Nik is torn by what he learns.  No one is what they seem.  Being reasonable is not an option.  And people get hurt.

There appears to be a sequel planned because the fight isn't over even though the story ends.  I'd enjoying reading more about Nik and the challenges he faces.  He's an interesting character and he's growing up.

Why don't you slip into the pages of this story and see if you think you could survive here?  It doesn't matter which side of the river you're on, it's a dangerous place.

Here's the trailer to tempt you even more:  The Bridge trailer 

Happy reading.        

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