Thursday, December 22, 2011

An O'Brien Family Christmas by Sherryl Woods

Laila's world has fallen apart.  She thought she'd be able to take over her father's bank position when he retired, but he doesn't want her there.  Her boyfriend was wonderful in bed, but younger than her and her father doesn't like him or what he's doing to her reputation.  So she quits her job, dumps her boyfriend and makes herself even more miserable...

Mira Books and Net Galley allowed me the opportunity to read this ebook (thank you).  It has now been published and would make a very nice holiday read.

Laila is totally depressed but determined to soldier on and develop her own business without either of the men who have ruined her life.  But she didn't take into account the O'Brien clan.  They are a nice big family with lots of opinions, a bunch of nosiness, and lots of determination to get Laila back with Matthew.  When his grandmother comes to visit, she agrees to go with the family to Dublin to celebrate Christmas.  After all, she's not going home then.

You have everything from newly married couples, old loves coming together again, Matthew and Laila deciding to "date" and see how it goes, down to Grandma's love interest that no one knew anything about.

We had big family dinners when I was growing up, but the O'Briens outdid the size of ours.  There is conflict, intrigue, budding love, reborn love, and pregnancy in this family.  You definitely won't be bored.  Why not grab a copy and have a fun read about a family that loves each other, but still has their own opinions...

Happy reading.

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