Monday, May 3, 2010

The Singer's Gun by Emily St. John Mandel

Anton is a very confused young man. His family is corrupt, his cousin talks him into selling forged passports and social security to illegal aliens, and his fiance keeps cancelling their wedding.

The author does a good job of showing how Anton can't stand living the way he has been. He doesn't think it's right and his family doesn't think it's wrong, so he uses part of his skills to get a "real" job in another firm.

Then one day, things go wrong there. They find out his Harvard diploma is not his - how, he's not sure.

From here, Anton's life gets more and more complex and unsure. The Feds get involved, his girlfriend is involved, his "wife" (they finally do marry) had other plans even when they married and his cousin is still trying to run his life.

Staying on the island of Ischia by himself leaves him plenty of time to think and wonder what he's going to do with his life. That is if he makes it out of the situation he's in now...

This was a very interesting and complex read with current event issues and much emotional trauma. The book was provided to me by Unbridled Books.

If you'd like to find out what happens to Anton, leave a comment here on the blog and then send me an email at info @ (take the spaces out)and give me your name and address and why you'd like to read it. I'll be doing a giveaway in about a week.

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