Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Green Children of Woolpit by J. Anderson Coats

Agnes is helping with the harvest when she hears someone calling.  No one else hears it so she goes to check it out.  She finds two children in the wolf pit.  They are green tinted, which makes them odd.  She goes to get help and another girl who used to be her friend listens and then takes credit for finding them herself.  They bring them to Agnes's home because they took Agnes in when she was abandoned, so they think they may take these two.  They do.  They also don't notice they are green.  They are being charmed...

Atheneum Books for Young Readers and Edelweiss shared a copy of this book with me for review (thank you).  It will be published September 10th.

Soon the girl says her name is Agnes, too.  Her mother has no problem with that even if the original Agnes doesn't like it.  Then the girl tells her she is really royalty.  When she was abandoned on the stoop she should have been a princess in the world below.  She offers to take her there and Agnes goes.  She shouldn't have.  It's a trick.

Once she gets among the fairies, she's put to work.  Now she's replacing the one that escaped.  Can she outwit the King?  Will she ever get back home?

This is an interesting fantasy that makes you wonder how it's going to turn out.  It kept my attention.  Never trust fairies...

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Baxter and Jeffrey by Ariane and Todd Erickson

A picture book about a young boy who wants to become a knight - WITHOUT any help - and a young dragon who is CERTAIN he can help him!