Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Life and Other Inconveniences by Kristan Higgins

This is a story of a broken family that finally comes together again when it's almost too late.  It begins with a mother who has lost her favorite child.  The boys (Dad included) went on a fishing trip.  He loads up the car for the trip back and then finds the eldest son has disappeared.  No one can find him.  Then her husband dies not long afterward.  She's lonely and grieving so she starts a fashion business and does very well with it.  But there are more problems coming...

Berkley and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published today.

Genevieve is always dressed perfectly, has her makeup on and her hair done nicely.  She's a lady and acts like one.  Then Clark, the son she didn't like, comes to visit and leaves his young daughter with her.  His wife had committed suicide and he can't take of her alone.  Neither granddaughter or grandmother want to be with each other but they adjust.  Emma wants her to love her but Genevieve has tucked her heart away.  If you don't love, you won't hurt.

Genevieve has big plans for Emma but when she gets pregnant at the end of her senior year at high school, she demands she abort the baby so her plans won't be ruined.  When Emma refuses, she kicks her out of the house and out of her life.  So it's quite a shock when she calls and asks Emma to come back.  It seems she  has cancer now and wants her to spend her last summer with her.  Emma doesn't want to but her daughter, Riley, does.  So they go.

It was interesting to see how this all played out.  There was plenty of family drama, a few lies, and a closeness neither of them expected.  This was a study in family relationships and while it's not all happy ever after at least the air has been cleared.  And Emma has found love again...

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Baxter and Jeffrey by Ariane and Todd Erickson

A picture book about a young boy who wants to become a knight - WITHOUT any help - and a young dragon who is CERTAIN he can help him!