Thursday, August 1, 2019

A Book of Rather Strange Animals by Caleb Compton

The subtitle of this book is "Highlighting the Wonders of Evolution and the Extraordinary Diversity of Life".   That's a perfect description of the contents of the book.  Each animal or fish discussed gets a short paragraph telling you all about them.  I recognized a lot of them but I learned a lot, too.  I wasn't up on the animals of the deep.  I also learned that some fish are really scary.  The way they eat is disgusting!

There are a lot of animals listed but you don't get bored.  Just about everyone of them is odd in some way.  Mr. Compton kept me reading.

The ones I knew about I learned from books I read or found out about them on Facebook.  There are science and nature pages you can follow and I've learned a lot from them.  Now, reading this book I learned more.

The author shared a copy of his book with me for review (thank you).  I'm glad he did.  It's a good natural history resource and also shows you which ones are becoming endangered species.  Logging is not good for our land and that's reflected in this book.

You can get a copy of this book now, it's out.  Why don't you see how many you recognize?

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