Friday, April 19, 2019

Isabella at Gymnastics by Kate Mahoney-Veitch

Isabella is a girl of my heart,  I, too, loved books when I was little (still do) and I had a stuffed animal, too.  Just one.  My panda bear went everywhere with me.  I love her batch of toys!

The author shared a copy of her book with me for a review (thank you).  It has been published and you can grab a copy now.

She takes some of her stuffed animals with her when she goes to the gym and lets them watch her exercise.  Then she takes them home and tells them a story about them exercising in the gym.  When one falls off the balance beams because it was pushed, she makes the other one apologize.  She's raising her toys right!

Ms Wills' illustrations are charming and add to the sweetness of the story.  This is a great series for little ones.

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