Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Claws by Mike Grinti, Rachel Grinti

Her older sister is missing and the whole family misses her badly.  Is she desperate enough to use magic to try to get her back?

Chicken House, a division of Scholastic, and Net Galley allowed me to download a copy of this ebook for review.  The book has been published and you can get a copy in hardcover or ebook form.  Check with your local bookstore for a copy.

Emma's family has spent all their money in the search for Helena and now they are staying in a trailer on the wrong side of town; how wrong is apparent right away.  They have a hag on one side of them and a snake man on the other side.  The cats have magic.  There are fairies in the woods, ratters in the sewers, and many more unearthly creatures.

When Jack, a beat-up tom cat, tells Emma she can become magical and use the cat magic to find her sister, she desperately wants to believe him.  She also has a suspicion that's not all he wants.  But it's worth it to get Helena back, isn't it?  She's going to find out.

I think Grinti's have found almost every magical/mythical beast around and then created a few more to round out the fantasy world they set the story in.  The story was interesting, flowed well, and had some surprises in it.

Emma is a stronger character than you would initially think.  I'd be interesting in reading more about her adventures with Jack.  Who knows, maybe the authors will hear me.

Happy reading.


Shan said...

What age would you say this story is geared to?

Journey of a Bookseller said...

12 and above. If not mature, I'd suggest 14. It's pretty mature content.

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