Sunday, November 13, 2011

Mine! Shutta Crum, Patrice Barton

This is one of the most delightful children's picture books I've read in a long while.  The story and the illustrations make this book special!

Alfred A Knopf sent me a copy of this book for review (thank you).  Check with your local bookstore for a copy.

Who hasn't heard a child yell "Mine!" when someone gets close to their toys?  That's the standard response when a little one has to learn to share.  The author shows two little ones taking this journey together, with a puppy to help them.

The puppy snags a ball, the littlest one throws a bunny which ends up in the puppy's dish.  Puppy shakes it all over and gets them wet. The older girl gets upset at first and then decides it looks like fun and puts them all in the water dish!  Soon the puppy has the toys...

My favorite part is when the baby walks over and grabs the older girl and says, "Mine!" 

The illustrations are light, sweet and simple.  So is the lesson in this story.  Why not make your child smile by sharing this story with them?

Happy reading.


Carole said...

Love that cover! Thanks for linking up with Books You Loved. Cheers

Elizabeth said...

Sounds cute. THANKS.

Stopping by from Carole's Books You Loved February Edition I am in that list as #13.

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