Tuesday, November 22, 2011

One Brown Cow by Brenda Knight Graham

Here is a recipe for love:  Take a lonely child, a lonely cow, and a lonely old man and mix together for joy and happiness.

The author graciously sent me a copy of this book for review (thank you).  CrossBooks Publishing has it for sale now.

Kim's parents are in the service and she is now living with her Nana.  Nana loves her and is very nice and takes her back and forth to school.  Kim notices a brown cow in a field not far from home on the way to school and asks Nana why it's all alone.  Nana says the man that owns the farm is in a nursing home and cannot afford to keep more cows.

One thing leads to another and Kim is suddenly stopping and visiting the cow.  Then Nana suggests they visit the old man to find out the cow's story...

This story points out that animals and people need attention and some love to keep going.  That's why I adopt rescue animals and send Christmas cards to the ones who have no family or a family who doesn't care.  You don't have to spend a lot of money, just take a bit of your time and make the world a better place. This story points out how much it benefits everyone involved.  

Why not share a message of hope and kindness with your young ones and encourage them to think of others?  Kindness is a special gift.

Happy reading.

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