Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Watcher by Jeanette Winter

Subtitle:  Jane Goodall's Life with the Chimps.  Could you leave home and go live in a tropical forest in a tent?  For the rest of your life?

Schwartz & Wade published this book in April and sent me a copy for review (thank you).  This biography was written for ages 4-8 and should fascinate any young one who has an interest in animals.  It's available in your local bookstore now.

Jane was always interested in animals, even when living in London and going to school as a child.  She was fascinated with Dr. Doolittle.  But even she could not have foretold how her life would turn out.

Jane devoted years of her life to creating a relationship with the chimps and watching their life cycle and habits.  Her work kept the chimps from becoming extinct.  And her knowledge of the chimps is still the foremost in the field.

Ms. Winter's writes an easy to read and understand biography with lots of illustrations to explain the story she's telling.  This book is an excellent way to interest children in non-fiction.  They will find out that there are some very interesting people in the world and following their journeys can be fun.

Why not pick up a copy of this story about the study of chimps and go on a trip to Tanzania with Ms. Goodall?

Happy reading.

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Baxter and Jeffrey by Ariane and Todd Erickson

A picture book about a young boy who wants to become a knight - WITHOUT any help - and a young dragon who is CERTAIN he can help him!