Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Snowman by Jo Lesbo

When the first snow falls and someone makes a snowman, another woman dies...

Knopf Doubleday is publishing this book this week.  I got my ebook from Net Galley (thank you to you both). This is an extremely exciting new series for mystery fans.  Check with your local bookstore for a copy.

Harry Hole is the only policeman in Oslo who has taken classes on serial killers so when he sees a pattern between the dead women, he believes he has one.  But the other police just think he has serial killers on his mind...

Mr. Nesbo has written six other books in this series and has plans for number eight.  This is the first one I've read, but it won't be the last.

The author writes strong, tough stories with troubled people, psychological problems, passion, and murder all entangled.  This story is full of suspense and suspicion.  The more knowledge Harry gains, the less he knows.  This an intricate plot with hidden "strings" trying characters together that will only become evident near the end of the book.  It's safe to say no one is completely blameless by the end of the story.

I enjoy reading mysteries set in other countries; it's like visiting the country and learning about their customs.  But the big reason I liked this book was because this was a hard-hitting mystery with terrible consequences for all involved.  Life usually isn't happily ever after.  The ending is especially ironic.

If you like foreign mysteries with tough cops who live in the real world, you'll really enjoy this one.  I find the majority of the books I've read by authors across the pond are grittier and full of more punches than US authors.  What do you think?

Happy reading!

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Baxter and Jeffrey by Ariane and Todd Erickson

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