Thursday, October 14, 2010

Vanishing Girl by Shane Peacock

When a wealthy young woman disappears in Hyde Park in broad daylight and the police can't find her, Sherlock begins his hunt...

This hardcover young adult book is published by Tundra Books and is available at your local bookstore now.  Tundra graciously provided me with a copy for my review, thank you.  The boy Sherlock Holmes is on his third case in this book.  The first two books were:  Eye of the Crow and Death in the Air.

I've never really been fond of the adult Sherlock, but the tale of his younger version is really delightful.  The Victorian background is authentic and real.  The characters are strong, full bodied and varied, with quite a few that are a bit odd.  And, of course, Sherlock and the law don't like each other.  After all, the Inspector takes credit for crimes that Sherlock has actually solved.

He also has a personal nemesis, the young man who leads the street boys and is interested in Irene - who would like to be Sherlock's "Watson". 

The dangers portrayed in the book are real and the living conditions are appropriate for the era.  Times were tough for the folks who didn't have money in Victorian times.

Mr. Peacock's stories always flow well and I find myself reading them quickly because I want to know what happens.  I'm sure if you introduce your young adult to the world of Sherlock and his detecting, they will enjoy his adventures and the chances he takes.  All the books in this mystery series are good reading and I'm looking forward to reading the next one.  I'm sure Mr. Peacock isn't through with us yet.  There's lots of "food" for thought in this series.  Check it out at your local bookstore.

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Baxter and Jeffrey by Ariane and Todd Erickson

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