Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hubknuckles by Emily Herman

Every year a mysterious ghost comes to visit on Halloween.  But this year Lee decides she's old enough to prove he isn't real...

Crown Books for Young Readers has published this story with an updated design on it's 25th anniversary.  (Thank you for my copy to review).  It's hardcover, has illustrations by Deborah Kogan Ray, and is available at your local bookstore.

What a great book for Halloween!  This is a very cute ghost story about a little girl who thinks she's smart enough to prove that their annual ghost visitor is actually one of her parents.  So she sneaks out of the house, speaks to the ghost, dances with him and then comes back to tell the rest of household it has to be her dad.  But what if it's not?

Ms. Herman says that Hubknuckles visits their house in Maine on an annual Halloween visit.  Do you have your own pet ghost???

This book is for ages 5-8.  The illustrations are cool and the story line is more humorous than scary, but it's a fun book for all ages.  Share it with your haunts.  Maybe even give it as a Halloween Treat to your little one.  Look it over at your local bookstore.  And happy reading!

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Baxter and Jeffrey by Ariane and Todd Erickson

A picture book about a young boy who wants to become a knight - WITHOUT any help - and a young dragon who is CERTAIN he can help him!