Friday, April 24, 2009

Ghostwriter - Travis Thrasher

I'd classify this one as "horror"! I think Thrasher even gives Stephen King a run for his money.

This is the story of writer who develops a writer's block when his wife is dying from cancer. His whole life was entwined with hers, and he can't imagine being left alone. But book deadlines won't wait forever...

So he does something he wants to believe would never have happened normally - he plagiarizes a work he'd received some years back that he found in the bottom of his closet.

Unfortunately, the other writer finds out about it, and hassles him over it. He visits him, he threatens him, he threatens to hurt his daughter. He also sends in some new work that Dennis has due and hasn't written yet - and the editor likes it! Dennis talks to the cops about it, but nothing can be done. When the cat is killed, there's finally enough impetus for him to tell the cop friend of his the whole truth.

But the answer from the cop is unbelievable - the man stalking and harassing him is DEAD, and has been for over a year. How can this be? (Think about that title...)

And the ghost isn't the only odd one in this book - he has a friend that is a serial killer...

If you need a book that will hold your attention and scare you a bit - this one will do!

I'm giving away my ARC, just leave a comment here on the blog and then email me at with your name and address and why you would like this book. I'll pick a winner in about a week.


bloggytreasures said...

That premise sounds eerie and intriguing!

Violet said...

I love horror stories. This one sounds great.

Rae said...

Okay this sounds like my kind of book! The more serial killers the better! Plus, I like to pit myself against the detectives in the book. Can't let my skills get rusty!

gautami tripathy said...

Jo Ann, I lost my Reading Room blog to Malware.

BTW, everything distils into reading is my new blog. Please do visit it, subscribe to it or follow it! Do help me spread the word.

KR said...

I like being scared!!!


Baxter and Jeffrey by Ariane and Todd Erickson

A picture book about a young boy who wants to become a knight - WITHOUT any help - and a young dragon who is CERTAIN he can help him!