Thursday, April 2, 2009

Crocheted blanket for Mom

I finally got it done! The weather is really warming up, so I'm glad to report that I have now finished my Mom's summer blanket. I think she'll like it. It's made of baby yarn and is very, very soft.

Mom sleeps in her chair instead of a bed (bad back), and she likes to pull a blanket over her at night. I happen to know she sleeps during the day, too, while she says she's "reading". But she does get a lot of reading done, so I just mailed her off 22 pounds of books to keep her busy.

Here's the blanket, just a simple ripple pattern with a three double shell stitch around the outside. Should keep her nice and warm...


Karen (kaccat) said...

That's beautiful!! Great job.

gautami tripathy said...

Wonderful blanket. You mom must be proud of you.

Dottie said...

I'm trying to do that stitch right now and having a hard time with it. I will be successfull. My daughter and I (along with a church group) are making lap robes for veterans in hospitals and those returning home

Just read your post on Easter. Hope your day was good.


Journey of a Bookseller said...

Dottie, I altered the directions a bit to make the edges work better for me. Once you get used to the pattern, just count your doubles and skip the spaces and you're on your way!

Baxter and Jeffrey by Ariane and Todd Erickson

A picture book about a young boy who wants to become a knight - WITHOUT any help - and a young dragon who is CERTAIN he can help him!