Thursday, July 11, 2019

Death Among Us: An Anthology of Murder Mystery Short Stories, Stephen Bentley, and others

This anthology of stories is stunning.  They are good mysteries of all sorts.  Most are fairly short but they almost all surprise you.  It's not too often the investigator dies but no one is safe in these stories.

BooksGoSocial and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can get a copy now.

What surprised me was that I found all the stories to be good.  Most collections have a few that are so-so to me.  Not true in this case.

The other authors are: Greg Alldredge, Kelly Artieri, L. Lee Kane, Michael Spinelli, Robbie Cheadle, Kay Castaneda, Justin Bauer, Aly Locatelli, S. Lee.

There are a lot of stories included and they also share where to find a list of books written by the authors who contributed.

A bit of author biography is also included.  All in all, it was nicely put together and there are little story treats everywhere.  In some ways it's like raiding a box of chocolates. 

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