Sunday, March 3, 2019

The Witch's Kind by Louisa Morgan

Barrie goes out to ring the bell for her dog.  When it hears the bell, it returns home and it's time for a meal.  But it takes while for him to show up.  And, when he turns up, he's carrying a baby in a blanket...

Redhook Books and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published March 19th.

This story has some interesting factors in it.  Barrie's family has a special infinity with water; it tells them secrets and helps them see the future.  The child the dog retrieved has ears and gills behind that; it appears to be alien.  And the man she envisioned as her husband for life left her.  She lost the baby she was carrying.  It would have been fine but her husband came back.  And he's no good, through and through.

She keeps hats on the baby, buries the baby's mother, and loves it like it was her own.  She and her aunt live together.  They raise crops on the farm and sell the produce and goods they produce from it.

There are people looking for her husband.  His story of his time in the service is all a lie.  She wants nothing to do with him and tells him so.  Then he steals her baby because he can sell it.  Never anger a witch...

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And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie

First, there were ten—a curious assortment of strangers summoned as weekend guests to a little private island off the coast of Devon. Their ...