Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Saddles & Secrets by Jane Smiley

Ellen talks with the racehorse, Ned, but he's not visiting with her anymore.  So she has to learn to ride another horse...

Knopf Books for Young Readers and Edelweiss allowed me to read this book for review.  It will be published March 5th.

Ellen is a good kid who loves horses and has hopes of riding in some races in the future.  She's taking lessons for show riding competition.  She's learned a secret she won't tell.  And she can tell her parents have one, too...

As time goes on, she finds some of her friends have secrets.  This worries her a bit.  What do you do with all these secrets?

She can ride a full size horse but she likes the pony they have.  His name is Hot Potato but she doesn't like that so she calls Tater.  She thinks he's a bit boring but then she finds out how to give him more enthusiasm.  She also learns to convey signals with body language.  He's not as loving as Ned but he does come to greet her and enjoys her treats.  He also performs well.

When she finds out they are moving, her heart is breaking.  Does this mean she'll have to leave her horse dreams behind?

If your child likes horses, they'll enjoy this story.

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