Saturday, November 24, 2018

The Road Home: inspirational historical romance (Journeys of the Heart Book 2) by Winnie Griggs

He's taking two young children to their uncle.  Their parents died in a fire and they have no other relatives.  The uncle really doesn't want them but there's nowhere else for them to go except an orphanage.  What he didn't plan on was having to chase them down numerous times because they keep running away!

Wild Heart Books shared this book with me for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can grab a copy now.

They're missing again and when Wyatt gets off the train, he sees a circus.  He's sure that's where they went and starts out after them.  He finds them with a woman.  She has a parrot.  He thinks she's part of the circus but she's not.  The children listen to her much better than do him.  She's riding the train, too, so he invites her to share their compartment.  She even offers to go to the uncle's house to help introduce them and get them settled.

What Wyatt didn't expect was to fall in love with her.  He can't be a surgeon anymore since he hurt his hand and he's not sure what he'll do for a living now.  He can't marry her.  Or can he?

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