Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Adventures of Phatty & Payaso: Central Park by Marie Unanue

Phatty is a nice big thirty-pound cat.  He enjoys living in his apartment with his friend across the hall and the other animals in his home.  Lounging in the sun suits him just fine.  That is until a mean hawk says he's coming for the animals and will take them all out on a certain date.

iUniverse and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can by a copy now.

This is a fun read.  Phatty tries to hide under the couch and his butt and back legs stick out because he's too fat... 

He decides he has to tell the zookeeper about the bird so he can be captured and stop being a menace.  So he hides in the laundry bag and gets out of the building that way.  However, Central Park is big and he's having trouble finding the zoo.  He's befriended by a racoon and a turtle and finds a bird with an injured wing that he rescues instead of eating.

In the meantime Payaso and the rest of the animals of the apartment dress up like a man and try to exit the apartment that way.  They almost get caught but a young boy named Max distracts the doorman.  Max is different.  He can hear what they say.  He goes with them as they go to Central Park to look for Phatty.

There's plenty more adventure and a it has a very interesting ending.  This was a very good read.

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