Sunday, July 9, 2017

The Promise of Breeze Hill by Pam Hillman

Connor was forced to leave Ireland when he foolishly feel in love with a lady who had a title.  She used him and then threw him aside and her father sent him away to America.  He has four brothers he wants to bring over to America and the only way he can do that is to earn money.  His boss has died, so now he's going to indenture himself to earn enough.  He certainly didn't expect a young woman to buy his contract...

Tyndale House Publishers and Edelweiss allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published August 3rd.

Isabella knows that times are tough and the only way she'll be able to pay her carpenter is if the crops do well.  Despite their bad luck lately, she has faith things will get better.

What Connor discovers is that her father is bad shape.  He was hurt in the house fire rescuing his daughter-in-law.  He also finds his son was killed not long ago.  He gets busy making lumber and fixing what can be salvaged.  He also tries to stay away from Isabella.  He's been there and done that and he's not going to get whipped or hung over her.  It's hard to stay away from your boss...

With highway men, night terrors, and slavery, there's plenty going on in the story and it really feels like you're living back in that era.  Someone wants their property and he's doing his best to get it.  Connor likes Isabella too much to back away.  He starts protecting her and then he has killers after him.

This was a great read with lots of history, some insight on slavery, and it was nice to see the bad guys lose and the good guys win.  It's also nice to see that Connor found a way to open his heart to love again.  Happy ever after makes me smile.

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