Saturday, November 26, 2016

Agatha Parrot and the Heart of Mud by Kjartan Poskit

Agatha is a great character.  She's bound and determined to get what she wants and she's not above nudging things in the right direction.  Needless to say, that gets her in trouble...

Clarion Books and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published December 27th.

The illustrations are fun and show how different Agatha and her friends are.  The story line is silly and fun to read.  Young ones should really enjoy this book.  It made me smile.

Agatha's friend has spoiled another soccer jersey and her Mom won't buy her a new one until she takes on something educational as an extra thing.  She thinks she has soccer on her brain (she's right).  Agatha suggests the spelling contest.  While they are talking about it, one of the snooty girls tells her that her friend is too dumb to win.  Doesn't that sound like a challenge to you?  Agatha not only signs up her friend, she signs up the other girl, too!

At home, her brother has gotten an email from a girl.  She's a cousin and of the same age and wants to chat.  He's horrified and refuses to.  So Agatha sends her an email posing as him.  When the girl writes back she talks about winning the spelling contest.  Agatha asks her what words she had to spell.  When she tells her, she realizes they were the same ones her school was using, only a day earlier.  All she has to do is ask what the words are each day and she can help the other girl prepare for the test.  She doesn't consider it cheating.

All her good intentions fail at once.  Her friend lets the snooty girl win because she wasn't cheating.  The cousin shows up at the house and wants to meet her brother.  What's Agatha to do?

This story will make you laugh and also make you want to see what great adventure waits for Agatha next.  I'm sure she'll find another way to get into trouble.


Stephanie@Fairday's Blog said...

This sounds like a fun book. This is my first time hearing of it- but it is one I will keep my eye out for because it seems like one my students will enjoy. Thanks for sharing.

Journey of a Bookseller said...

I do quite a few children's books because I love reading them so watch my blog for others that might work for your classes.

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