Sunday, April 12, 2015

Snow White and the 77 Dwarfs by Davide Cali

How could I resist reading this book?  77 dwarfs?  I can't imagine...

Tundra Books and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published April 14th, so grab a copy then.

This is a cute little picture book with a unique look at Snow White's dwarf situation.  You multiply the number of drawfs and just look at what a workload it turns into!  How can you remember all their names?  And making lunches, dinners, taking care of laundry and trying to keep the house clean is just all too much.  She has a solution, though.  She eats another poisoned apple and leaves instructions not to wake her up!

What a fun tongue-in-cheek read with bright illustrations and a silly story line.  Share this version with your child as well as the traditional fairy tale.  That might make them want to make up their own versions of traditional fairy tales...

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