Sunday, February 15, 2015

Huckleberry Spring (The Matchmakers of Huckleberry Hill #4) by Jennifer Beckstrand

Emma couldn't believe it when Ben told her he couldn't marry her and left to go to Florida.  He was her love and she was so excited about a new life with him.  Then he was gone.  Didn't he love her too?

Kensington Books sent me an ARC of this book to read for review (thank you).  It's being published this month, so check with your local bookstore for a copy.

Anna is a big matchmaker.  Felty goes along for the ride although he's afraid that one day she will bite off more than she can chew.  She's very good at manipulation.  I've enjoyed every one of these Amish tales.

In this one, Anna writes to Ben and tells him he must come back because Felty is having surgery.  The romance that she's trying to build goes so slow, that poor Felty has more than one surgery!  It's a good thing he's willing and a good sport both.

Ben is taking care of the animals and the farm.  Anna has hired Emma to grow her a huge pumpkin for her grandson.  She's also planting other crops to help them out.  This is uncomfortable for both of them since they broke up.  But Anna doesn't care; she's determined!

When Emma discovers that Ben has suggesting to other men they might date Emma, she's really hurt.  Now not only is she not worthy of him, he's trying to marry her off so he can go back to his sweetheart in Florida with a clear conscious.   She doesn't need or want his help!

When she falls in a well and he falls in trying to save her, they have the ultimate challenge to survive.  They do it together with Emma taking a lead roll.  He feels guilty because he couldn't save her and she finds out why he's run off to Florida.

Ms. Beckstrand smooths the story out and there is a happily ever after, even if it didn't seem like it in the beginning.

The worst part is that Annie has already picked out her next matchmaking opportunity.  Oh, and don't eat any of her pumpkin dishes; they're not cooked enough and are awful concoctions.  Felty must have an iron stomach...

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