Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Stone Soup with Matzoh Balls by Linda Glaser

This is a Jewish version of Stone Soup, a traditional fairy tale.  I always enjoy this tale, no matter what country or village it takes place in.

Open Road Integrated Media and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published, so check at your local bookstore for a copy.

I first heard this story recorded by Danny Kaye.  I bought a set of records with all kinds of fairy tales and he was on it.  I was charmed by tale then and it still charms me.

When an old man walks in the village of Chelm and asks for food, people tell him they don't have any to share.  He smiles at them and tells them he'll make some stone soup and share it with them then.  They hang around to see him do it and soon he has them bringing him ingredients to make it tasty enough for all to enjoy.

They share his soup during the Seder feast on Passover and everyone is happy.  They don't even think about the food they contributed.  Such is power of a good story teller and the power of sharing.

I don't think you'd have great luck doing stone soup now, but you might be able to get folks to bring what they have and make a nice soup of it.  Even if you don't have enough for you, everybody's bits can make enough for everyone!

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