Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Scribbles and Ink, Out of the Box by Ethan Long

Scribble and Ink are back again and this time they're decorating boxes!

Edelweiss and Blue Apple Books let me read an ebook of this story (thank you).  I love this series and was happy to see a new one coming out this month.  Check with your local bookstore for this one and the previous ones in this series.  They're all lovely.

Mr. Long always make his stories fun.  The cat and mouse are competitive and are always challenging each other.  In this story, Ink orders cheese online and it's delivered lickety split.  Once it arrives, Scribbles is more interested in the box than the cheese.  (If you have a cat, you know their fascination with boxes...)  When Scribble asks for the box, Ink says sure.  What can you do with a box?

First off, Scribbles uses his imagination and creates all kinds of ideas for his box.  When he demonstrates the first one, Ink wants to use the box to make his own design.  And off we go!

As a child, we played with boxes all the time.  Really big ones became forts and small ones could be stacked up to make fortress around us.  Mr. Long shows some real cool ideas on how to have fun with boxes.  

I especially liked the ending, when they order more things online to get new boxes!

Each book in this series made me smile and be glad I read it.  I just wish I had a little one to share it with...

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