Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Revenge of the Mad Scientist by Lara Nance

Lady Arabella Trunkett was not about to let anyone kidnap her father and get away with it.  He had left her a clue and since no one would believe her assertation that the knife used on his staff member was a plant to shove them off course, she was going to have to do this herself.

The author and Goddess Fish Blog allowed me to read this ebook for review for this tour (thank you).  You can purchase a copy of this book on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or other places ebooks are sold.

Lady Arabella has own business and has been independent since she got left at the altar eight years ago.  She's determined and fearless and doesn't hesitate to pack up and go look for an airship.  She is accompanied by her young male companion she saved from an orphanage and her butler.  She doesn't really want that much company, but she's happy have them later in the story.

This is mix of steampunk and fantasy.  Lady Arabella has a number of adventures, some more dangerous than others.  She also has the misfortune to run into the man who left her at the altar.  The fact that there's still some attraction left between them doesn't make either one of them happy.

This is an adventure that has highs and lows but you can't stop reading.  Somehow Lady Arabella ends up on top despite the odds.  But her quest is not over.  Now someone has stolen the captain of the ship (her old love) and she's not going to let them get by with that!

I enjoyed this story a lot and have already purchased the next book in this series.  I have to see where Arabella goes from here.  You don't need to worry about being bored; she goes where no man dares to go, much less a woman! 

Lara will be awarding an autographed original map of Arabella's steampunk world to a randomly drawn commenter at each stop, and a $50 Amazon gift card and an original steampunk necklace to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour.  Also a steampunk necklace will be awarded to a randomly drawn host.

If people sign up for her newsletter on her website from Jan 29 - Feb 3, they will be entered for an autographed copy of her book as well as an original steampunk necklace.

Follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning. The tour dates can be found here:

Happy reading!  


Ami said...

The book sounds great, I love a self assured heroine!

shadowrunner1987 at gmail dot com

Linda said...

Love this, already bought it and can´t wait for my chance to read! =)
Happy Tuesday!
fr_larsson at hotmail dot com

Lyra L7 said...

Wonderful excerpt, the title alone had me in anticipation of a great read, I'm going to love reading this one! :)


Lana A said...

I love discovering new books and authors, thank you for sharing the fantastic excerpt!


Gala said...

Thank you for the vivid excerpt and for making the story free on this day, I'm glad I picked it up!

galaschick78 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for having me today! I appreciate the nice comments. Hope you love this story!! XOXO Lara

Anonymous said...

The book sounds exciting. BTW, really like your outfit.

strive4bst(At) yahoo(Dot) com

bn100 said...

Sounds like a nice read.


Murder my Neighbor by Veronica Heley

Ellie Quicke is confronted by an angry young man, demanding to know what has happened to his elderly great aunt. Flavia Osborne had refused ...