Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Hollow Man by Oliver Harris

Nick woke up drunk in a crashed squad car he had stolen with no wallet, no phone, and a Masonic candlestick in the car with him.  He knows not where he's been or how much he's had to drink, but he's definitely drunk.  It doesn't matter anyway.  Today is his last day.  At least it was until he sees a case that came in the night before...

Harper and Edelweiss gave me the opportunity to download this ebook for review.  The book will be published in October, so make a note on your TBR list.

Nick is not the best policeman and is totally burnout on not only his job, but also his life.  London has no place for a used up man.  When he begins searching for a missing man who was very wealthy, lived in a beautiful home, and has left a fortune behind he's thinking of his future.  If he could just get to it, he'd be sitting pretty for the rest of his life.

What he can't foresee is how many other players there are in the game.  This is no simple "theft" of funds.  Life and death is on the line here because so many people are involved and they all have different plans.

As the author weaves this tale it becomes quite complex and interesting.  I really couldn't like the main character very much because he was a weak man, but he played his part in this story very well.

What amazed me was the twist to the tale at the end.  With so much evil involved I expected an interesting ending, but this one was even more ironic.

Here's a chance to visit London, fantasize about stealing millions of dollars, and watch just what people will do to get it...

Happy reading.

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Baxter and Jeffrey by Ariane and Todd Erickson

A picture book about a young boy who wants to become a knight - WITHOUT any help - and a young dragon who is CERTAIN he can help him!