Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Lingering Dead by J N Duncan

I don't usually read vampire stories but this one intrigued me.  Ghosts, vampires, a former FBI agent and a monster fill out the character list.  How could this not be an interesting read?

Kensington Publishing sent me an ARC of this book for review (thank you).  It was published this month, so check with your local bookstore for this urban fantasy tale.

After Jackie's partner gets killed in her last assignment, Jackie is relieved of her post with the FBI.  In turn, she goes into business in a special investigative unit that is funded by a vampire.  Just normal business, right?

The group (more vampires and Jackie's dead partner who occupies her here and there) are going through cold case files looking for something interesting enough to investigate.  They find it:  a small town that has about 35 ghosts wandering around it.  After death, they should go on.  These are lingering because they have lost their identities and don't know where to go.

The paranormal influences are interesting, the characters complex, and unbounded fantasy reigns.  It was a very interesting read, and my favorite character is the monster.  He's very powerful, very strong, and has plans for Jackie.  Sure hope they are good plans...

There is part of the Deadworld series and I enjoyed reading it.  Why not get a copy of this (and maybe the other books, too) and visit a world of paranormal creatures with power and a desire to make things right?

If you'd like to win the ARC I was given to read, leave a comment here on my blog and email me at info at with your name and address and why you'd like to read the book.  I will pick a winner in about a week.

Happy reading.


SusanB said...

Sounds like an interesting book - different. Thanks for the review

ChristyJan said...

Oh! I would love to read this one!
Ghosts, Vampires, a Dead FBI Agent AND a Monster?
I don’t think I’ve read ANYTHING like this!

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