Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Scrumptious by Amanda Usen

Marly has devoted way too much time covering for Keith and helping her girlfriend ignore the fact that while he has a chef's degree, he doesn't have the work ethic required.  Now Olivia is bringing in another man to take over "her" kitchen!

Sourcebooks Casablanca and Net Galley gave me an ebook of this story to read for review (thank you).  It was published January 1st, so you can get yourself a copy now.

Marly and Joe are two of a type; the love 'em and leave 'em type.  So when you put the two of them in the kitchen together, it doesn't take long for things to heat up.  I really enjoyed these characters.  They're both very strong personalities and are confident in their skills both in the kitchen and in bed, but neither one of them is interested in commitment.  It's hard, though, when you start to realize that living without the other one isn't what you want to do...

While they go through the emotional turmoil of trying to decide how they really feel about each and what they want to do about it, someone starts sabotaging the restaurant!  A grease fire here, salt instead of sugar there, stoves unplugged and more incidents make them realize this not a mistake.  It's a deliberate act to drive them out of business.

Olivia grandmother is a hoot.  She manages to save the restaurant and a few lives in about five minutes.  Everybody needs one like her in their lives!

It's an enjoyable light read that will make you smile and keep you wondering over just who it is that is causing all these problems.

Get yourself a copy and have a good romantic read.  It's a fun story with unique characters.

Happy reading.

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