Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Sisters Brothers by Patrick DeWitt

This is one of the oddest Westerns I've read.  It's almost like Eli finally becomes more than a shadow of his brother and begins to develop a conscience...

Ecco, an imprint of HarperCollins, sent me an ARC of this book for review (thank you).  It was published in May, so you can find a copy of it in your local bookstore.

Charlie is the dominant brother in this story.  The Sisters brothers work for the Commodore and are essentially hired killers.  The Commodore gives them an order and they carry it out.  Hermann Kermit Warm is going to die.  But on the trip from from Oregon City to Warm's gold-mining claim outside Sacramento, Eli begins to think about how life might be different. 

Here is a link to the trailer for the book:  http://bcove.me/cy9l99ak 

Mr. DeWitt does not make his characters someone you'd to have to dinner, but he does make them interesting, unusual, and ruthless.  Much of the old west was like that.  Gunfighters usually didn't have long lives.  But he gives the brothers he's writing about at least some hope for a change in life for the better.  It costs both of them plenty, but there's hope.

If you'd like to travel the strange, twisted road of the Sisters brothers, I'm giving my ARC away.  Just leave a comment here on the blog and email me at info @ bookfaerie.com (take the spaces out) with your name AND address.  I'll pick a winner in about a week.

And one more special giveaway:  I also have a signed, numbered poster of the cover art that I can offer.  The publisher will be mailing that out.  How about some distinctive wall art?

You can't get the two above offers at your local bookstore, but they will have the book for you.

Happy reading!

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