Friday, February 18, 2011

The Union Quilters by Jennifer Chiaverini

The Civil War was a time of great conflict and war between family and friends.  While there are many stories about the soldiers and the battles fought, this novel focuses on the women and families left behind...

Dutton, part of the Penguin Group, sent me an ARC of this book for review.  The book will be published next week.  Check with your local bookstore to get a copy.

This book is part of a series but it's the first time I've had opportunity to read Ms. Chiaverini's work.  She writes in a fluid prose, with a well-thought-out plot.  Her male characters were almost secondary to her female characters.  The majority of the men were at war; the women were home trying to keep the farms going and occupy their minds with other duties so they didn't brood about the danger their loved ones were facing on the battlefields.  Her characters are astute, anguished and often at odds with each other.  

The women quilter's group decides to raise money and sew goods and bandages that can be sent to the front for the men.  It's a good idea, but they need more room.  Women can't own property, so they ask one of the remaining to purchase it for them.  However, there are other ownership issues to deal with.  There is also good and bad news coming back from the troops.

The author does a good job of depicting the time period and the issues of those who fought the war, whether they were on the line or waiting at home.

If you have an interest in the Civil War, quilting or the dynamics of female relationships, this book will talk to you.  Add this one to your TBR list.  It's well worth a read.

I'm giving away this ARC.  Leave a comment here on my blog and then email me at info @ (take the spaces out) and give your name and ADDRESS and tell me why you'd like to win it.  I'll pick a winner in about a week.



why do I want this book? Nt sure I know the answer to this question. I like the way this lady writes and i honestly dont know how she has to time to do so.. I have several of her other books and I hope to have all of them one day. She is a marvelous quilter also! ps- can you be bribed?

Journey of a Bookseller said...

No bribes needed, but do send me an email with your name and address for the drawing, OK?

sandrar said...

would love to win this book--

Hotquilts said...

Winning her book would be a bright bit of light in a long winter! I enjoy reading during long winter evenings but haven't had much opportunity this winter. A new book brings much anticipation if you've read previous books and met the author. Looking forward to enjoying a good read is one of life's best pleasures, is it not?

Anonymous said...

Chiaverini is particularly good at character development and relationships. Her series focuses on the women in the community--she isn't minimizing the men, rather she lets us see the era through the eyes of the women. I walk away from each book wanting to know more about the characters, because they have become so real, and she covers real situations.

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