Friday, November 5, 2010

The Fantastic 5 & 10 Cent Store by J. Patrick Lewis

Everyone can just barely see what's out at the edge of town, but no one is brave enough to venture out to check it out.  Until Benny Penny does...

Schwartz & Wade Books sent me a copy of this lovely hardcover picture book to review (thank you).  It's written for ages 4-9 and the subtitle is:  A Rebus Adventure.

I have to admit I never knew this writing style was called "rebus".  Various words are represented by pictures.  It's great fun for a child to read because they have to sound out the words created by picture and text.  Some of the combinations are a bit challenging, but it adds to the charm of the book.

Mr. Lewis rhyme's are catchy, the story is cute, and the illustrations by Ms. Fisher are colorful.  This would be a wonderful book for your child to read aloud to you.  I can imagine the joy in their eyes as they figure out the word challenges.

This book is currently available at your local bookstore.  Challenge your child's mind with word games that are done in a fun format.   Maybe they could even write you a story in the same format!  Check it out, it's a fun read.

Happy reading!

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Baxter and Jeffrey by Ariane and Todd Erickson

A picture book about a young boy who wants to become a knight - WITHOUT any help - and a young dragon who is CERTAIN he can help him!