Friday, August 20, 2010

Kindergarten Cat by J Patrick Lewis

A poor, deserted, lonely kitten is taken in by the school janitor and it finds a home in the kindergarten classroom. But how will the students react?

Schwartz & Wade Books published this very cute picture book. Allie Busby's illustrations look like a young child's drawings and they blend in well with the storyline.

This book would be great for a young one who is hesitant about school. Even the kitten participates in answering the questions!

Written for ages 3-7, this easy to read picture book with colorful illustrations will be enjoyed by children over and over again. I bet they even learn how to "meow".

It's currently available at your local bookstore. Pick up a copy for a young one getting ready to enter school and not feeling real sure about it. This will help them learn school can be fun (even if you don't have a pet there).

1 comment:

KR said...

Sounds like I need this for my kindergarten class. Thanks for sharing!!

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